Client Testimonials

Testimonials of clients that work with Vasco 1-on-1

The Best Coach I've Worked With

Manuel Arteaga, CEO, Octogone Europe, Authorized Director, AV Group Ltd

Vasco is the best coach I have worked with. He is giving me a great added value and I can get proven results for me and my company. He is always seeking for my best interest and leading me to find the best out of me. His knowledge on the top private finance professional environment helps you to make the right making decision process.

A Unique and Insightful Experience

Victor Zambrano, Director for 3D Printing at Point of Care, Johnson & Johnson

Vasco's coaching toolbox is wide and deep, and he uses it with swift expertise, making the client experience a very interesting and rewarding journey. His style is close-up, personal and quite empathetic. This makes for a very unique and insightful experience in each of his sessions. In my experience results came up fast and plenty - keeping you engaged in a fast-paced growth process.

Great Coach, Great Insights Generated

Christian Kronseder, CEO, ALLINDEX, ex-Credit Suisse, ex-Royal Bank of Scotland

The Executive Kingmaker is great to work with. He is super quick on his feet to understand the situation his client is in. The sessions with Vasco are intense and he makes you think about your company, your situation and yourself. This helps to clarify your thoughts and beliefs. I really enjoyed the coaching sessions with him and I was able to take a lot out of the results for my personal development. Great coach! Great insights generated!

A Demand for Excellence that Is Second to None

Matt Thomas, Financial Planner

In Vasco’s coaching, he really takes accountability to the next level. In my own experience, most people have what it takes to be successful, but they tend to get in their own way. They tell themselves negative stories or they get distracted doing things that feel more comfortable. Coming from running several start-ups of his own, Vasco knows what it takes to get the tough things accomplished, and his commitment to demand excellence from his clients is second to none. I can’t count the number of times he held me accountable to perform at my best when I would have otherwise taken the easy route. Ultimately your productivity and revenue goes way up when you take his coaching to heart!

A Promising Hit Maker

Juraj Fleiss, CEO, Sternbahn UG

As a coach, Vasco has been great. He helps me get clarity on important matters and forces me to think deeper about complex issues. He has helped me correct some biases and clarify my thoughts, which helped me reach important goals. He kept me accountable and, even in hard conversations, was polite and professional. Very interesting and effective coach. Therefore, personally, I am extremely grateful, but professionally speaking, a very enjoyable experience with a promising hit maker, especially in the field of personal business coaching, *(hint) and I hope that in the near future he will publish his achievements and methods in book form. All the Best.

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